Google Maps aerial view of the location

Google Maps aerial view of the location

 My draft/thumbnail sketch done in Photoshop over the Google Maps view.

My draft/thumbnail sketch done in Photoshop over the Google Maps view.

 Final work done with all-purpose flour 

Final work done with all-purpose flour 

 Detail 1

Detail 1

 Detail 2

Detail 2

 24 hours and 1 snowfall later

24 hours and 1 snowfall later

 Google Maps aerial view of the location
 My draft/thumbnail sketch done in Photoshop over the Google Maps view.
 Final work done with all-purpose flour 
 Detail 1
 Detail 2
 24 hours and 1 snowfall later

Google Maps aerial view of the location

My draft/thumbnail sketch done in Photoshop over the Google Maps view.

Final work done with all-purpose flour 

Detail 1

Detail 2

24 hours and 1 snowfall later

show thumbnails